Finding homework bliss is mostly about figuring out what works for your child. From creating a calm space to selecting the right time of day, the little things can make a big difference for your child.
Make Space
A kid-friendly workspace is important. It doesn’t have to cost a lot or take up much room, but the space should be well-lit, comfortable, and stocked with supplies. You should also take into consideration your child’s unique learning style. For example, music may help some kids focus while others may be distracted by it.
Read More: Design a Kid-Friendly Workspace –
Timing is Everything
Some kids do their best work right after school. Others need time to play or eat dinner before they get started. Others still may benefit from early morning homework time after a good night’s rest.
Read More: Homework in the A.M.? – Working Mother
Food Matters
Gluten. Sugar. Dairy. Red dye. Kids react to foods differently. And even if your child isn’t allergic or sensitive to certain foods, research shows some foods impact your child’s focus, attentiveness, and overall behavior more than others.
Read More: Think Food Doesn’t Affect Behavior? You’ve Got to Read This. – Whole New Mom
The Role of Screens
Limiting screen time can improve sleep, encourage exercise, decrease aggression, and (you guessed it) improve academic performance among school-aged children. That’s why it’s important to make a media plan… and stick to it.
Read More: The Link Between Too Much Tech and Academic Success and Wellness – Very Well Family
Learning Curves
From our experience, accommodating each child’s individual learning style has the biggest impact on how homework time goes. Resist the urge to create a one-size-fits-all routine for your children. Instead, develop a customized solution for each child based on his or her strengths and weaknesses.
Read More: Using the senses to help with homework – Chicago Tribun